Sunday, December 03, 2006

HISTORY AND TRENDS: What they promise?---Death? Desolation??

Ethnic conflict-LTTE, the deadly force and Srilanka: Who is right? Atrocities argued on either side

Arab hostility: In the name of Divine Inheritence- who is unjust?(look at the land area of Israel)

Taiwan....flexing its muscles...never ending conflict of/for LAND

Destruction of Babri by Hindu extremists called kar sevaks in the largest Democracy: Dirty politics to the extent of creating religious tensions: god(Rama or whosoever) doesnot dwell in temples but in hearts!

Sectarian violence(Shia-Sunni, Catholic-Protestant, Shivas-Vaishnavas and many more): Blasts in Iraq in civilian places targetting Shi-ites

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